Hananah's work has recently appeared in Virginia Quarterly, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, South West Review, Alaska Quarterly Review and Michigan Quarterly Review where it won the Lawrence Foundation Prize for Fiction. She was awarded a Tennesee Williams Scholarship in Fiction at the Sewanee Writers' Conference for 2019 and her short story “Fish Tank” was a Distinguished Story mention in Best American Short Stories 2019. She was a finalist for the Smoke Long Fellowship 2019, the Doris Betts' Fiction prize 2014 and a recipient of residencies and fellowships from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Rivendell writers' colony and the Ragdale Foundation. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart prize.
Hananah is a freelance developmental editor and also serves as a Fiction Editor for Los Angeles Review. She is the founder of the Dubai Literary Salon and Manila Literary Salon, an international prose-reading series.
Her flash chapbook “Lovebirds” is forthcoming from Bull City Press. She is querying a collection of short stories, and is currently working on a novel.
You can find her @hananahzaheer
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